It’s the feeling.

You know those feelings that come over you every day, every moment you feel something good, something bad or something somewhere in-between. Most of us probably can explain these feeling’s if they really try too but honestly who wants to and not be able to actually enjoy them. As I am writing this in retrospect, I get a certain feeling just typing on my keyboard, and I know you Blog writers and readers know what ‘that’ feeling is.

I have been playing a lot of lacrosse lately and I know why I do it. It’s for ‘that’ feeling I get when I score a goal, or in technical terms throw a little hard rubber ball across the goal line of a 6 by 6 net with a goalie in it. It’s a little bit weird to think a game that simple can give people satisfaction, but it does. The same goes for countless things in life, like smashing a glass into a million pieces as Jordan noted in his last post, or listening to your favorite song of the week, playing music, driving fast, laughing really hard, I think you get the point. So you’re probably wondering where this post is going, the answer is nowhere.

I did it all for the nookie (come on) the nookie (come on)
so you can take that cookie and stick it up your (yeah)
stick it up your (yeah) stick it up your (yeah)

I will leave you with one last all inspiring statement … Zoom Zoom Zoom.

P.S I will be expecting a check in the mail from Mazda for that meaningless plug I just gave them for no apparent reason.

P.P.S Good show on Tuesday Alex, we were all impressed.

P.P.P.S Haha Jk there’s no P.P.P.S

Later Gang,

JM Concert = Incredible

This past weekend I was able to see john mayer in concert for the first time. The concert was this past Saturday in Edmonton, my brother sister and two cousin’s that live in Edmonton all went together. For those of you who don’t know john is a guitar god, he has the ability to play both acoustic and electric guitar like they are extensions to his body. His voice has progressed a lot over his career in particular his falsetto. The combination of his smooth and pure voice with his amazing ability to play guitar as well as his songwriting ability’s is something to behold. Rexall center was almost to capacity. Kathleen Edwards from Ottawa opened the show for about 45 minutes and after a 20 minute break. Him and his band took the stage.


Good Love is On the Way
No Such Thing
I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You)
Something's Missing
The Heart of Life
Waiting on the World to Change
I Don't Need No Doctor
Why Georgia

-- encore --
Split Screen Sadness
Your Body is a Wonderland
I'm Gonna Find Another You

My personal favorite part of the show was when he played his guitar while simultaneously singing the exact same note in falsetto, so basically it sounded like two guitars playing at once. It was incredible. He did pretty much the same thing in a loop intro to the song vultures. This is actually a video someone took at the concert in Edmonton, sounds just ok, obviously nothing compared to in person live.

Another was his first encore song which was split screen sadness, a personal favorite of mine. That was a nice treat considering he rarely plays this song because it is one of his older ones.

Before his three encores, as he was leaving the stage a girl threw her bra at him and he caught it looked at what he had just caught and then threw it at the ground with a dirty look on his face, it was pretty funny.

All in all, it was a fantastic night. If you he ever comes to Saskatoon or Edmonton for that matter again i'm definitely going and you should too you won't be disappointed.

Innovation prevents damaging effects of drunk texting

Too funny, and relevant. Hopefully this will be available in Canada sometime soon!

Raj Beri, WG'07

Issue date: 2/19/07

Wharton's Venture Initiation Program (VIP) today announced their latest recipient of seed funding, NoText, started by two MBA students to combat the growing epidemic of Drunk Texting in the US. For those not familiar with the term, Drunk Texting, an offshoot of the more widely known Drunk Dialing, is the act of text messaging friends, loved ones, ex-girlfriends/boyfriends, strippers, etc. after a night of heavy drinking.

"It's out of control," commented co-founder and habitual drunk texter Harry Kubiak, "It's like a disease. I'd be out at Pulse or Byblos for some late night action and the next thing I remember is waking up in the morning and seeing that I had texted my ex-girlfriend and another girl I'm interested in at 4 a.m. looking for a booty call. When I read the 'I want you now and often' message I had sent, two things crossed my mind; One, I'm an alcoholic and two, that's not good for anybody. I got to thinking there has to be a way to prevent this from happening every Wednesday to Saturday night." Well, like many go-getter Wharton students, Harry and co-founder Roger Barry did more than just think, they acted. They have a prototype of a new cell phone add-on that prevents the owner from texting certain numbers after a prescribed time. "This could be a lifesaver", says Barry, "If this was around last week I would never have got back together with my ex. Dude, she really annoys me, sleeps around and we always fight, but I woke up one morning and saw that we had got back together over text messaging because I was horny. I think I may have proposed as well. Crap!"

Sadly, there are thousands of other stories just like this and many of them are here at Wharton. Says Kubiak, "With the level of inebriation at B-Schools like Wharton, especially among 2nd years who have officially said 'screw it' and now openly drink while conducting admissions interviews, we thought what better place to pilot the offering?" And the results have been nothing short of amazing. An anonymous 1st year female said that NoText saved her from some major embarrassment last week. "Before I went out for the night I just programmed these three numbers in that I wasn't allowed to text after 2 a.m. and boy, am I glad I did! I'm pretty easy when I'm hammered so I wanted to make sure I didn't do anything I regretted. There's these two guys in my class I normally hit up late at night and then sometimes when I'm really desperate, that Marketing professor who's into younger Asian girls." Score one for NoText (and one less for the Marketing Professor).

While the inebriated and under-sexed twenty and thirty-something crowd is definitely a core target segment for NoText, Barry sees the benefits extending to the professional realm. One unfortunate 2nd year said NoText could have really helped him last summer during his internship. "It was Thursday at 1 a.m. and I had just got off work during my internship at Goldman. I met up with a few of the boys, had eight too many drinks and kind of blacked out. Next morning I woke up and saw that I had texted my boss: 'You're a freakin' hosebag, just because you haven't gotten any in 10 years don't take it out on me. Die scum, die.' Needless to say I didn't get the full time offer and am now interviewing for a Wawa Regional Manager position. NoText would have really saved my career."

Even Wharton faculty and administration see the tremendous upside of NoText. The WJ investigative team was forwarded a text from a BPUB Professor early last week, sent to one of his faculty colleagues that read, "Yo W, we have that make-up exam for those Follies nerds tomorrow. Am way too bombed in Manayunk to create a new exam. What are we, machines that can spit out two exams a year? Let's just re-use last year's exam. Who cares anyway? This class is so irrelevant. No one is actually going to remember what the five elements of fraud are, that's what they pay lawyers for." Needless to say, the faculty members in question are the newest subscribers to NoText's services.

Another member of the Dean's office, who spoke to us under condition of anonymity, also thanks NoText for saving his job. "It was after Harker accepted the Delaware position. Me and some others were out late at the Faculty Club, had a few too many wine spritzers and I tried to send this text, ' Hey Pat, what, Pennsylvania doesn't have enough obese people for you? Want to go to the only other state in the Union that eats more cheese than us? Can I seriously have some of what you're smoking because it must be some good stuff. Peace out Hark Daddy.' But thank God, NoText prevented me from sending the message."

The NoText team is excited about the VIP funding and are now trying to find a full time CEO to take the company to the next level against potential rivals Samsung and Motorola. Barry comments, "Ideally we figure if this is going to be successful, we really need a Wharton Undergrad to lead the venture. Let's face it, they are way smarter than we are and we're all going to be working for them one day anyway, so why not start now?"

And the Oscar goes to...

This is probably going to be the first post that actually deals with my personal thoughts and or issues, and in the grand scheme of life these issues don’t really mean that much…but to me they have a fairly substantial bearing on who I am and how I act, allow me to expand on that. First off I would like to note that I am an introverted person, even from a young age I didn’t handle social situations very well, that’s not to say that I didn’t have any friends, I did. I had a best friend and other friends throughout elementary and high school, however I felt very shy or nervous in certain and many situations. I’m positive almost everybody has felt that way, some maybe more, some maybe less than I have and or do. As I got older naturally I became more and more confident at just about everything I did, except for…acting, I was never able to tell a believable lie. Now I can, except not when it counts, and you’re probably thinking and that’s a bad thing?

I’ll expand a little to get my idea across. When you first meet someone you cannot simply just lay all of cards on the table immediately most people will just get creeped out and think you a weirdo. You have to go thru natural get to know the person steps. Now I have never really had that problem with friends but with girls I like, that area is something I really have to work on. As soon as that switch is turned to the “I think I could really like you” side, I change into someone I’m not. In fact there is proof to all of this and I have seen it many times. No question about it I am also a very complex person I may be a square on the outside but some of the things that go though my head are anything but square, don’t be alarmed I’m not some serial murderer or anything. It’s just that any thought I’m not able to express in some way end up bouncing around in my head colliding with each other in a non stop circus bumper car ride kind of way(hence me being a little bit introverted and over analytical) . Luckily most of it I am able to tame with by keeping busy i.e.; school, hockey, friends, work etc. This bumper car effect is what turns the normal causal me into somebody else.

A good example of this is well my last girlfriend, we had a class together last year and I thought she was attractive, but not the “I think I could really like you” kind of attractive but still I made it clear that I was interested even though I really wasn’t and guess what it worked. I got her number and we hung out a few times I played the part perfectly, but after a number of months she started asking me more serious questions like “who I was”, and naturally I changed the subject or made up some lame joke of a story, not because I didn’t want to tell her but because I didn’t feel “that” way about her. She could read me like a book, and it went down hill from there. Needless to say it didn’t work out and we broke up. I wasn’t sad nor happy about the whole thing. Looking back on the whole thing I’m kind of glad I’m such a bad liar for her sake.

I guess the point I’m trying to make is that I need to work on “Acting to be myself” if that makes any sense at all, but it does to me anyway. For the first parts of the relationship you cannot lay all the cards on the table (if you're anything like me) but after a while you have to show you hand or it won’t last, that is pretty much common sense, however when “I think I could really like you” switch is turned for some reason I just want to throw down my hand right away, so most of the time I don’t even get to the part where we both show our hands (that’s not a dirty joke btw).

So from now on I’m going to have to show my stripes only when I think I need too. I came to this obvious conclusion a long time ago but the “acting” part is what I’m having trouble with. Just so you know I know there are always shades of gray in every situation so not everything is going to go just as planned, but it’s a start.

Work In Progress.

I’m still wrapped up in you

Sometimes I wish you knew

I know the answers

But only after a few

To young to give in

To square to stray course

Now the nights are getting colder

I wish I’d spent more time sleeping over

Some words are to hard swallow

You’re the brightest thing I had

Now my heart’s so hollow

Those who say I should have been myself

Have obviously never met you

Words can never say what I saw in your eyes

What was left of me

I gave to you

So pull the curtain’s only to see

I’m lost, you’re found

Our page has turned

This will all make perfect sense someday

I’ll find my way

Until then I’m inside out

Staring at the pictures you forgot about

2 for 1.

Okay so I realize I am long overdue for an update. So here it goes. First of all not that I really want to make light of an unfortunate contest were a women (may she rest in peace) died in the “Hold you Wee for Wii” radio station challenge. But it got me thinking what is next? Maybe…Eat poo for a ps2, Sleep with a whore for an n64, Give a hickey for an xbox 360, Get chickenpox for and xbox, Grab some boob for a gamecube.

Joking aside in my opinion the world is becoming way too liberal and tolerant of mindless acts. That’s why I would have to agree with Alex that a conservative government in power may be the best thing for the world’s population at this point. Now I’m not trying to say that all has gone to the dogs but standards are being changed and lines are being crossed. That contest was just another example of such things.

On a lighter note the Oscar’s are next month and Pan's Labyrinth has been nominated for 6 academy awards which is pretty impressive considering its release date was so close the nominations. Movies now days are meager in comparison to what they were years ago. However I think that the still are at least two great movies made a year, and if it lives up to the hype it may be one of them. The last movie I watched that I was really impressed with was the Constant Gardener. But best picture should definitely go to Borat Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.

NOT! Although it was nominated for best adapted screenplay. Very nice.

John Mayer-The Hurt

I’m a good man
in a dark room
in a big town
under a full moon
it’s a friday and I’m almost home

I’m in a good place
full of head space
got a brand new pack in my suitcase
but it’s dinner and then it's bed alone
How do you break a mended heart?
I'm bored and want something to do

I wanna fall, fall asleep
asleep in the arms, the arms of a woman
a woman who doesn't, doesn’t deserve my love

I wanna lie, lie to myself
myself and someone else
just to feel something, something that hurts me
the hurt makes me feel alive

Gonna make it, like I need her
gonna miss her the moment I meet her
and it’s only gonna get worse from there

I’ll be writing in the shower
she’ll be here by the end of the hour
I can do better
but I can’t do better now

How do you break a mended heart?
I'm bored and want something to do

I wanna fall, fall asleep
asleep in the arms, the arms of a woman
a woman who doesn’t, doesn’t deserve my love

I wanna lie, lie to myself
myself and someone else
just to feel something, something that hurts me
the hurt makes me feel alive

So long is over
nice to skip the chance you get to know you
why did I think this was true?
Because I want to

I wanna fall, fall asleep
asleep in the arms, the arms of a woman
a woman who doesn’t, doesn’t deserve my love

I wanna lie, lie to myself
myself and someone else
just to feel something, something that hurts me
the hurt makes me feel alive

I wanna fall
I wanna need
I wanna laugh, cry, say goodbye
beg, lie, cheat and steal

Chuck Norris jokes.

Thanks to Kate I have compiled a top twelve list of chuck Norris jokes.

12. Chuck Norris only masturbates to pictures of Chuck Norris.

11. When Chuck Norris' wife burned the turkey one thanksgiving, Chuck said, "don't worry about it honey," and went into his backyard. He came back five minutes later with a live turkey, ate it whole, and when he threw it up a few seconds later it was fully cooked and came with cranberry sauce. When his wife asked him how he had done it, he gave her a roundhouse kick to the face and said, "Never question Chuck Norris."

10. Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

9. Chuck Norris uses ribbed condoms inside out, so he gets the pleasure.

8. Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad did.

7. Chuck Norris eats transformer toys in vehicle mode and poos them out transformed into a robot.

6. Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.

5. The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.

4. Chuck Norris is not hung like a horse... horses are hung like Chuck Norris.

3. Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.

2. If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.

1.Chuck Norris once lined up to kick the winning field goal of a high school football game. When the football went flat, he persuaded the referees to let him kick the field goal with a 3 month old child. Chuck roundhoused kicked the baby 60 yards through the uprights and then proceeded to bang every girl in the stadium.